“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wow, well, it's been a while since I've blogged! We had a death in the family and the last month and a half has been rather wild and odd. But I finished up the school year in Costa Rica! I will soon need to make a decision: return to Costa Rica or stay and earn some money for seminary next fall at Asbury? But for the moment, I'm trying to get through Christmas with as much Christmas spirit as I can manage. Like I said, it's been a little odd for me lately.

Below are some pictures from the last few days I was in Costa Rica. The kids are now a year older! How crazy fast the time has gone:)


José Daniel, José David

Carolina, yo

Priscila, Aitana, Fiorella, Valeria

María Paula, yo

Alejandro happens to be the son of Costa Rica's soccer coach:) he's a cutie for sure! (the kid I mean)

Graziella's husband barbequed for us one evening and Meredith and I showed the family how to make smores! And then we sange carols and played games by the fireplace:) A wonderful end to the year with them!

I happened to be in the gym during a clinic a university basket ball team was giving the high school team. It was obviously a little one sided but fun for me to watch Jesse Tatum play and just to watch a sport I understood!:)

After I recovered from the flu, I was able to make it to my sister's art show! She did a wonderful job and I am so proud of her!

me, Uncle Phil, Krista, Dad, Mom, Grandma

It was a great show and I hope she's decided to gift us with some of her work!

a flower...growing in our driveway...in December:)

The next two pictures were taken as we were driving to the funer home for my grandfather. The sunset was gorgeous, as you will see. And when we arrived at the funeral home, the sky was even more beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a better gift:)