“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Sunday, June 27, 2010

So for the last two weeks, and this coming week, I have been subbing over at the high school for one of the music teachers. It's been fun! The best part is they speak English, so there are no problems with them understanding what I say:). Normally, their music class is taught in Spanish, so there were a few problems when it came to me doing what the teacher left to do...... In the end, I got the OK to create a new exam which was a project the kids did. Overall, it went well and the kids seemed to enjoy it. There were some that were quite funny and very well done, so I was very proud of them! I am teaching the 9th, 10th and 11th (seniors) graders. On the downside, I have had to create that exam/project on extremely short notice, and found out Friday I'll be continuing lessons this coming week.....during their other exams and right before a 3 week vacation! Aaahhhh!!! But for those of you who are teachers, or simply find this rather odd/amazing, it is very cultural here to wait until the last minute (or close to) before telling people what they need to know. So it's been good to finally be the one experiencing it since it had to happen eventually:). But it is certainly not easy, and I am very ready for vacation!

I recently bought a large plant that is now in our living room! Meredith was gone for 9 days to go see her brother get married...in South Korea! I started to need another living thing with me, other than bugs, and had been thinking about buying a plant for a while. So I went down to the nursery and found one I loved! And I absolutely love it, and no, I have not killed it yet!:)

The rainy season has been rather slow and light, but we have had quite a lot of clouds for the last few weeks, very little sunshine, and I'm ready for some! I was actually cold this past week and had to wear a light sweater to work! In June! How crazy is that??? On the other hand, I will soon be heading back to Texas to renew my visa, and my parents have been kind enough to tell me that it is 100 degrees in Llano!!! Que loco! From 60 degrees to over 100...what will I do??:)

My spanish is coming along. I really like my tutors, they're great! I can understand much much more now, as long as they speak slower than normal:). It will be fun to practice with friends back in the states and neighbors!

Now, my breakfast is about ready, so I must go.


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