“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Well, vacation time is finally here! I managed to finish things up for the semester at the high school (hope they figured out the rest!) and the primary had it's English Day. Meredith's brother came in Wednesday afternoon and we headed up to Volcan Arenal for a few days! It was a great trip and the place just beautiful! The volcano even rumbled several times a day while we were there, so that was fun:)! And the breakfast...absolutely wonderful! Of course, I like any kind of free food generally:).

I went to church today with a team from Georgia. Allie's parents are heading it up, so it was fun to see them again. Her mom translated the sermon, which was really cool to see. I was proud of myself for catching most of it! Granted, he had to pause for the translator, which is a huge help, but hey, I got it! It was a really nice service. They have a band that leads the worship music, and you could really feel God's presence among those singing and worshiping. It was awesome!

Well, I'm heading back to Texas tomorrow for a wedding this coming weekend, and to renew my visa:). And to see family and friends, of course! And I'm very excited to be going back:). Six months is a very long time to go without anything from home or being there. It's also going to be a time for me to be emailing and praying about this coming semester and next year. The principle's got some ideas, but I'm not sure we're on the same page and was unable to keep our appointment to discuss them, so please pray that the right thing will come about, whatever it may be.

My plant is still alive! Although, I'm not sure if it should be getting more sun...it's hard to tell:) I'll move it before leaving tomorrow, and when Meredith returns from Panama this weekend, she can be the judge:) She and the Tatum's are heading south tomorrow before I leave to renew their visas too! I just wish the timing had worked out to where I could join them:).

And now I must finish the last few things for tonight and get my beauty sleep, because tomorrow's going to be a long day! Keep my travels in your prayers!


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