“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mother's Day was a few weeks ago and is a highly celebrated day here because the mama is the one who really takes care of ya! So at church, all the mothers went up and were prayed for and acknowledged. I also realized they make up the bulk of this church's congregation!

We have started Science Fair Experiments! This one was a lot of fun since they kids got to make noise:). It was also too cute to pass up for a photo-op! So far, we aren't wanting to pull our hair out over these projects, which is saying something I think--I mean, we have six classes of projects, and 8 groups a class....that's a lot of experiments! The kids are excited about doing them though, so right now that's the perfect motivator we need to get them to keep working:).

this experiment was to simulate how a frog gets its food

Of course, we also have the little ones who, no matter how many times you tell them to keep working, they still come up to give you pictures or make faces at you! Then they tell you, "I love you T.!" and give you a hug and you wonder why you can't make them work....;)

a pastor's son...he's actually quite the good worker and quiet and creative!

So for you gardeners, I know weeds are your constant enemy. But how many times do you have to worry about getting weeds out of your driveway or parking lot? Well, as you can see, our parking area is made of these weird concrete things that are like squares paired together...with holes, basically, to help with friction and flooding problems when it rains. On the down side, they are the perfect habitat for weeds! So one of many odd jobs that you won't really see in the states is a man coming in and weeding the parking lot!

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