“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Monday, September 27, 2010

Well, tomorrow is (finally!) Science Fair day! Andrea and I are very excited to be done with it. It's been fun and entertaining, but when you drag something out for nearly 6 months, you're ready to hand in the finished product:).

I had a really cool thing happen to me this past Friday. I was practicing piano over at the school, pretty much once school was over. I was in the middle of playing something by my piano teacher from TLU, What Wondrous Love is This, when two little girls peeked their heads around the piano to see me. The quickly drew back, and did it again. Well, before I knew it, there were 6 little girls in the room with me, the oldest being in 2nd grade, and a woman had come in with them. She sat down and had the girls sit with her while I played. I'm used to kids coming in like that since I have to practice in the Devo room, and just played. The woman kept the girls quiet (a feat in itself) and just listened. When I finished, she asked me, with tears in her eyes, "Is that song about Jesus?" When I replied that it was, she teared up even more and went on to say that she knew it had to have been because she felt His presence through the music, and that there was something just beautiful about it because of Him. HOLY COW!!!!!! I was so excited to hear that! Inside I was going, "YES!" We talked for a few minutes, and the girls plucked out a few notes for themselves. That was just too incredible to me:). I have had people tell me they love that arrangement, that there's so much emotion to it, etc, but this was the first time that someone came to me knowing what the song was about without knowing the title or the history, or even me. Talk about inspiring! Music is a language that transcends all other languages. You don't have to know how to read it to appreciate it. You don't have to have studied it to understand what the composer and/or performer is trying to convey. I am extremely blessed that I had such a wonderful piano instructor and was able to study music, and now, those blessings are bearing fruit for others. That is one of the most amazing things that has happened to me this past year:).

Meredith and I have decided to start eating healthier together. So, we're cooking in the evenings and actually sitting down to dinner together! Granted, this has only been day 2, but so far so good! It's really fun to cook with another person and not just for yourself:). And, since she has a cook book, we can actually make different things that are super-tasty! It's also a good time for us to just chit-chat and talk about our days, etc. Since we do not have cable, we are not distracted by that, and let's face it, we aren't missing much!

Well, I should be making my way to bed since I have Science Fair tomorrow, and parents are our first audience! Also, I need to make sure I get my excersise in the morning as well!


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