“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A group of women from Memphis, Tennessee came here and put on a Women's Retreat for the women at the language school. It was held at a resort about an hour and a half from San Jose. The theme was "Love Connection." It was a wonderful time to be with a group of women and have fun and learn. And of course the setting was absolutely beautiful! It also made me realize that living in a city and on a busy street can overwhelm a country girl with noise! So today has been a nice time to simply sit in silence, since there is no traffic today, and just listen. I've been doing a lot of praying lately without stopping to actually listen! And who likes a one-sided conversation? So yes, today has been very good for me:).

the resort where we stayed

It looks like Meredith and I will be getting some nice furniture soon! Since Kim has decided not to return, her church has kindly given the things she bought to us for our own use. I find this really exciting since I've been wanting some new pots and pans that would last a while and a rug for the living room! And Meredith can't wait to get her bed!

We will finally begin our work at Colegio Metodista this week! We spoke with Teacher Lidda last week (that in itself is a miracle!) and we all are anxious to finally be working with the kids! Since we're in language school, we will be doing some assisting-type work until school is out, then English tutoring. All of our work is in the primary school to expose the children to native English speakers early on.

Meredith and I cleaned the apartment today. Amazing, I know! And it was time, too:).

There's a piano concert this Tuesday put on by a missionary's son. He's playing Chopin, one of my favorite musicians, and I'm really hoping to go hear it. I've missed all the musical opportunities I had in college. This will be a nice treat, and it's only $5 at the door! Crazy, huh?

So keep your fingers crossed for our furniture and the concert!


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