“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Monday, October 4, 2010

So, Friday afternoon, Graziella took Meredith and me up into the mountains of Cartago to visit a rose garden, Solo Rosas. It was really cool! They have thousands of roses, and while it's "winter" and there weren't near as many as the thousands blooming in April, we still got to see a lot of really pretty ones!

All the roses have names, some of them well know:) This is only one of many.


probably my favorite...it smelled like heaven! literally:)

Yellow Rose of Texas, I'm goin' there to see...no, that's not the name, but Meredith and I both started singing the song!

We bought a dozen...for $5!!!

Saturday, Meredith and I met with Allie and talked about the Bible study we're going to be starting in a couple weeks at the high school. We're going to be looking at Esther, 2 chapters a week for 5 weeks. Unfortunately, the day I leave for Texas to renew my visa is the first day of the study:(. That afternoon, we had our "Girls Time" with Kate, Allie and Michelle and had a lot of fun, followed by a really good conversation, thanks to Michelle asking us what our opinions are about a contraversial issue.
Sunday we went with the Tatum's to church with a team from their church in Alabama and then to lunch. After lunch, we headed over to the orphanage work site to check things out!

Kirsten standing in the fireplace.

the porch

Beth gave a tour! Right now she's in the master bedroom talking about a closet.

the roof is almost done!

For lunch, we went to a typical restaurant with the team where you get Tico food (the fish was divine!) and they have marimba players. The marimba is a traditional instrument of Costa Rica and they played traditional music. It was a lot of fun:).

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