“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Well, I had a really nice time back in Texas for a week! It was nice to feel wide-open spaces and fresh air and be able to drive 70mph when I could:). And the food! Oh man, I miss BBQ;) My talks at church and at TLU chapel went well, so I'm glad about that. People seemed to really enjoy them, which is good! And one church member talked with me about how to get some retired school books from Texas down to some of the public schools here in Costa Rica that cannot afford them, so that's exciting for me! I also had a good visit at TLU besides speaking at chapel. Dr. Daub helped me get in to play on the newly refurbished piano that my granny played on back in '39 or'40 for her senior recital! It plays like a dream! Ah, I was in love:). What a pity they didn't discover it while I was a student. I wish I could make it back for the dedication concert in early November, but it's not possible. Oh well, at least I got to play it for a little bit, and he said that he'd let me in whenever I was around and wanted to practice on it:). Yay!

School is moving along. We have 21 days left after today! It's hard to believe I'll be heading back to Texas after being back here only for 6 weeks, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Now that science fair is over, class is back to normal and we're flying through the last chapters, thank goodness!

Some friends of ours from language school have invited us over for a Halloween party with their family and others, so we're looking forward to it! Meredith and I are planning to dress up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the Dr. Seuss books:). Since Costa Rica no longer recognizes or celebrates Halloween any more, the school is decorating for Christmas. While I understand the reasons for the church here to say Halloween is the devil's holiday, or something like that, I still find it ironic since the same church promoted the idea of it all hundreds of years ago.

The bible study is going well so far from what I've heard, and today will be my first day to be part of it, so I'm excited about that. Thankfully, we have 5 girls who have been coming, so that is an answered prayer for sure! Not what exams are over (for the time being) we may even have 1 or 2 more, which would be wonderful!

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