“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Saturday, October 9, 2010

So I had a great time working with the Asbury team this week--aside from all the wise-cracks about Alabama vs. Texas;). They were a great group and we had a lot of fun. For me personally, it was a chance for me toto have a change of pace and get some spiritual fulfillmet out of physical labor, which apparently I needed more than I thought! For 2 days, I worked with the men in the "hole" where the water tank will be housed. The tank will hold all the water for the site once it's up and running, so we're talking about a really big hole in the ground! Two of the men were appointed the task of lifting cinder blocks up, over, and down the rebar to build the wall. I was given the task of putting the mortar down for the blocks and then filling the gaps between once they were laid. Unfortunately, I acquired quite a sunburn on the back of my neck and arms and face. Oh well, I guess it was to be expected since I hadn't been outside for any length of time for some months!

Mark and DR lifting a block up and over while I'm saying, "Please don't squash me!"
And they did it! :)
Today, Meredith and I met up with Allie in downtown San José to buy some things for the Bible Study we're starting up this coming Thursday. Sadly, I'm leaving for Texas that day and so will miss the first 2 sessions:(. But we're excited and are praying we get at least 4-5 girls to come. We'll have to see what happens!

Last evening San José experienced a 5.9 earthquake in the northern area of the province (which really isn't all that big or far away) and the apartment swayed for 20ish seconds. While I jumped up and had my hand on the door knob, just in case, I watched in amazement and a bit of trepidation as my potted plant--which is taller than me--visibly moved from side to side the whole time. In fact, the whole building was moving from side to side. Let me tell ya, that is one of the most bizarre things about living down here! After the fact, we all laugh and have fun, but while it's happening, all you can think about is how quick can you get out the door and if not, where's the best triangle of life?? Thankfully, we have not had to put those actions into practice!:) Since Costa Rica has quite a few earthquakes each day--which we rarely can feel due to their low power--the worries about a horrific quake are less likely. Kind of like when you open a fresh coke bottle a bit at a time to ward of the explosion that would happen if you flat out opened it;). Yet we never take for granted how lucky we are and pray that we never experience such a tragedy.
And now, I'm getting hungry, so I do believe it's time to rustle up some grub!

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