“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Language school is going well so far, then again, it´s only day 2. I´m really enjoying it though. It´s so nice to hear Spanish and to be able to understand it so far! I´m also hoping that I will be able to practice the piano some during the chapel time when we don´t have chapel. Until Colegio Metodista starts school again, all I have to work on is my own schooling. Having homework again is a little strange, but at least it´s better than being out of the habit for 30+ years. Once kids are back in school though, we will be doing some tutoring after school (it will take a while for us to get back there), which we are both looking forward to.

The weather lately has been cold and rainy and misty and windy, which is weird right now for me. But on the other hand, we´ve seen some awesome rainbows the last few days! Big and close, you almost think you can touch them!

The Tatum´s have ¨Will´s car¨ right now and so are able to drive to school and the store, and they take us around too, which is really nice. So for now, we don´t have to take the bus to school. Will should be back by February though, which means we will be back on that hour long bus ride, but we are all looking forward to having him return.

Many of us here are more than concerned for those in Haiti right now. We were not affected in any way by the earthquake, in case you were wondering. While we have our share of earthquakes here, most are not so extreme and/or fatal. I have experienced some small ones, or maybe they were tremors from one in Panama, and it´s a really weird experience. I hope I will never have to see the devastation of one like that of last January or of Haiti´s.

Now I believe another needs the computer I´m using at the language school, so for now I must say hasta luego!


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