“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So the other day, Meredith and I were taking the bus home. After we got off the first bus to wait for the second, I realized I had left my rain jacket on the bus...not good. So I ran after it, crossed traffic, and ran on to the bus, telling the bus driver, "Un momento!" and running down the aisle to get my jacket and get off the bus before it started moving again. All of this amidst the chuckling of those still on the bus:) I'm sure I was quite a sight for them!

Then yesterday, we finally had two men come and look at our washing machine. They work at Colegio Metodista. Now, we've been without a properly working washing machine since October, and all they keep doing is reattaching the feet. So they did that again yesterday. But I made them stay to see what the machine does when it gets to the spin cycle--that is, it becomes possesed and walks around the room! So they saw it, and we're glad of that since I imagine they thought we were just picky gringas. In any case, one man said that his at home does that, so it's not a big deal. His solution? Put furniture around it so it doesn't walk around! Ai caramba! We eventually communicated to them both that washing machines are NOT supposed to act like that, that ours has been for months (hence us not using it), and they said they'd call the company on Monday, which means (most likely) next Friday. So hopefully, it will be fixed before March:)

I was able to practice the piano yesterday, and it felt sooooo good to do so! While I was practicing, I felt the building shake and heard a strange rumbling. It was a lot like how I imagined a bomb going off in reality, only much less noisy and destructive. Then it happened again, and I realized it was an earthquake. There had been one that registered at 5.0 about 25 kilometers southeast of Jaco Beach (which distance-wise isn't far from us), and we had felt it. It was much stronger than the little tremors I have felt before, including this very morning. So while the actual quake was not destructive, certainly not here in the city, it was still really weird. It's easy to see why ancient cultures believed in gods and creatures beneath the earth. Even when thinking of the whole physics and science of it, it still just weirds me out when it happens!

I have been moved up 2 levels at language school, and I feel like it's a much better fit now. I can still follow along, but things will be moving more quickly (which is good) and it's enough of a challenge for me, for which I am grateful. On the other hand, me new classmates just don't laugh as much as my old ones, and so there are very few jokes and eveything is so serious. But oh well, I'd rather have a challenge and learn more, so there you go!

Well, other than these pieces of news, I don't have much else to mention. I would ask that everyone keep my room mate, Meredith, in your prayers. She got some bad news from home about a friend's family and is hoping to go up this coming week for a few days.

I hope everyone back in the states are doing well and having decent weather, it's been downright pleasant here!:)


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