“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28: 19-20

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our worship team led music for the first time at chapel this morning, and it was fun! Our sound guy said we blended very well, that no one stood out but you could here everyone:) Our vocals are both mainly harmony singers, so the leader had me get hooked up to a mike so I could sing the melody, mostly when it goes out of their range:) So I was playing and singing, and it was fun. Thankfully most of my mistakes were covered up by the other noise;) But truly, it was really nice to be able to do that again, I hadn't realized how much I had missed it.

My new classes are going well. We played Bingo in Lenguage yesterday, which was really fun (of course, I won 3 times...). And we're trying to convince our Fonetica teacher to let us play Scrabble. We'll see how it goes:) So far I haven't been overwhelmed with homework, but I'm sure it will come. My Gramatica teacher is teaching us how to pray in Spanish, and that's how we begin our day--with prayer. It's really neat. And my homework in Fonetica today was to some stuff with a Psalm, so I chose Psalm 46. That's something I really love about being out of "normal" schools--I am allowed to talk about Christianity, work on it, pray, etc. It's very freeing and comforting, especially when in a setting that can cause so much stress!:)

There's going to be a Women's Retreat in February and I'm really looking forward to it. We're going to a resort not far from San Jose which is supposed to be beautiful. And our Easter break is a whole week and happens to coincide with the end of my 90 day tourist visa, which means I'll be going either to Panama or Hondurus for that week! Crazy, huh?

Meredith went back to Texas on Sunday and will be back Wednesday. It's been really weird being alone again, but also nice in a way. Although I'll be glad when she's back, that's for sure, it just gets a little too quiet in the evenings! And I found out Saturday that my cat, Iggy, died that day. He was old and not well, so it was no suprise, and he was "only" a cat, but still, he was mine so it wasn't the first thing I wanted to hear from home that day:) But the Tatum's have a cat here, so it's all good I suppose.

Nothing much else to mention (I think!). Colegio starts in a couple weeks and I'm really excited to see the kids again. And I think I'm going to the movies tomorrow with Andrea--the teacher I worked with last year. And I should go before I start rambling:)


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